
Csd Indian Hills 3d Design 8th Grade

Peeking into Preschool

This week Miss Ashley's classes visited the pumpkin patch that the Harrison Central FFA program put on for our little Huskies! Each kid got to pick a pumpkin and decorate it with stickers. They also set up many games for the kids to play. Check out all the Halloween fun below!

Group A

Class Picture

Group B

Class Picture

Fun in First

Just some fall fun! ??

Students painted pumpkins with Ms. V for art this week. Pictured below are some of the students from Ms. Coffman's class.

Pumpkin fun continues as Mrs. Turner's class plants the seeds they dug out of their pumpkins a few weeks ago. Check out their sprouts below!

Pumpkin painting with patterns in Mrs. Turner's class.

Pictured above is Mrs. Turner's homeroom with their painted pumpkins.

Students in Miss Jacobsen's class learned about the differences between an animal fantasy story and realistic. They completed a writing craft that included illustrating the fantasy parts of the story and writing about it.

Miss Jacobsen's class also spent some time this week exploring pumpkins. They tested whether they sank or floated, measured them and counted the lines on the outside of them. They wrapped up their week with some pumpkin painting. You can see some of their creations below!

Pictured above is Miss Jacobsen's homeroom class with their pumpkins.

Soaring in Second

Students in Ms. V's art class created Van Gogh STARY PUMPKIN PATCHES.

Everli Sall reached her 25 point AR goal!

Wyatt Zeroski, Brodie Sweeney, and Landon Coffman all reached their AR goal of 25 points.

Thriving in Third

Mrs. Wetherell's classroom sent the nursing department thank you letters for all their hard work in keeping everyone safe and healthy!

Fabulous in Fourth

Congratulations to Alice Stidd for being the top AR points earner in 4th grade for the first nine weeks.

As part of their Native American unit, students in Mr. Bengier's class had to create an Indian civilization that included the five basic components that people need to live: food, water, fire, shelter, and tools. Check out some of the awesome displays below!

Bentley Slocum

Madison Taylor

Evan Johnson

Ella Smith

Mercedez Riley

Kolton Wheeler

Mikey Hummel

Destinee Robinson

Nicholas Ames

Caden Mansfield

Lilly Yarish is showing off her muscles using her STEM project.

Andrew Miller is making a Bobby Dropper to keep "Bobby" or his bobby pin/paper clip safe. This introduced the Design Process to the students.

In science class this week, students designed paper airplanes and tested to see which flew the furthest.

Mrs. Agostini's homeroom poses for a quick picture during their extra recess last Friday. In a friendly competition against Mrs. Knight's class, they successfully met their AR goals as a class first. Way to work hard toward your goals, 4A. Keep it up!

Fantastic in Fifth

Students created 3D owl collages in art class with Ms. V.

Katie Summers, Emerson Woods, and Caden Dennison are shown pictured with their 100%s they received on the class spelling bee and will compete in the school bee on December 4.

Mrs. Rocchi taught 5th grade did a Mindful Seeing lesson. Students had to carefully examine a leaf then try to differentiate between everyone's leaves to find theirs.

Evie Richards, Sage Anthony, and Katie Cumings are battling out a game of while reviewing vocabulary words.

BREAKING NEWS! Someone has broken into the art room and fifth grade students are putting their inferencing skills to the test to figure out who did it.

Soaring in Sixth!

The sixth grade is beginning to study minerals, rocks, and soil. Friday, we took advantage of the beautiful weather and went on a Minerals and Rocks scavenger hunt to kick off our new unit.


Congratulations this week to 6th grader, Darius Hawthorne. He is being recognized by Mrs. Zeroski for being kind. Way to go, Darius!

Also, in the spotlight this week is 6th grader, Austin Sears. He is being recognized by Mrs. Cochran for being polite. Awesome job, Austin!

Check out fifth grader, Evan Saylor, who is being recognized for being accountable. Mrs. Bethel thinks you are doing awesome, Evan, and we agree!

Congratulations to Marley Zeroski who is being recognized this week by Mrs. Paul for treating others with kindness. Keep being awesome, Marley!

Sixth grader, Kamryn Crothers is being recognized this week by Mrs. Pendleton for showing good citizenship. Keep being the great role model you are, Kamyrn!

Congratulations to fourth grader, Karsima Ash! She was recognized by Mrs. Agostini for being ready to learn. Nice job, Karisma!

Fourth grader, Sophie Sullivan is also being recognized by Mrs. Agostini. Sophie has been doing a great job of being engaged in her learning this past week!

Fourth grader, Andrew Miller was recognized by Mrs. Agostini for treating others with kindness. Great job, Andrew!

Fourth grader, Andrew Hendershot is being recognized by Mrs. Patterson for his kindness towards others. This week when a new student joined the class, Andrew offered her some tickets to write her name on and put into the weekly drawing! Keep being sweet, Andy!

Third grader, Reese Dunlap is being recognized by Mrs. Thomas for working smart. Keep it up, Reese!

Congratulations to Mrs. Patterson for being chosen as the Capital Health Rockstar Teacher of the Month. Mrs. Patterson has been working as a full-time sub in Mrs. Carman's room. She received a $50.00 Amazon gift card as part of the recognition. Great job, Bree!

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October 26-30
• Red Ribbon Week

Friday, October 30
• 1st 9-weeks report cards available

Csd Indian Hills 3d Design 8th Grade


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